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6 Ways to Spring Clean Your Diet

by Thrive Fitness

Spring is just around the corner… and that means one thing: spring-cleaning! This year, jump ahead and clean up more than your closet, clean up your diet! Making small changes to your diet can lead to big changes to your waistline:

1.    Clean out your fridge and cabinets.

Get rid of anything that has artificial flavors and/or sweeteners, and overly processed foods. Also check for expiration dates! You will be surprised by the foods you have that have passed their prime.

2.    Cut out sugars!

In addition to ditching artificial sweeteners, be weary of foods packed with sugar. Replace sugary breakfast cereals, flavored yogurts, and reduced-fat peanut butter with steel-cut oats, plain yogurt, and natural nut butter.

3.    Add colors to your plate!

Incorporate fresh fruits and veggies with bright colors into your meals to add a splash of (healthy) spring to any meal.

4.    Cook more at home.

If you are cooking at home, you control the portions and ingredients versus indulging extra calories and fat.

5.    Drink up!

Drink at least six to eight glasses of water a day. Mix it up with fresh lime or lemon juice and mint leaves for a refreshing beverage – without the wasteful calories.

6.    Have healthy snacks on hand.

When you get the urge to snack at 3 p.m., reach for a handful of nuts or an apple instead of chips and candy.

By making a few changes a day, you are well on your way to a healthier lifestyle.  How are you spring cleaning your diet?

For more healthy lifestyle tips and recipes follow @thinkcleanfood on Instagram.  


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