Blog: Thrive Blog

Spring into Summer!


It’s here! It’s finally here! Sun, sandy beaches, fun! You spend your whole year waiting for summer, thoughts of lounging by the pool or beautiful days are what get you through winter.

But now that it’s actually here… let’s be honest. We’re all guilty of getting a little lazy when it comes to our exercise routine.

So we came up with a few ideas to harness the summer fun:

  • The sun’s out, you’re out!

In winter we’re all guilty of looking for any excuse not to get out of bed. But during the summer, the sun is out much earlier, brightening the world and beckoning to those still in bed. What better way to start the day than to go out for a scenic early morning jog?

Getting up earlier to exercise will get you off to a good start to the day and you’ll be able to get more done. With all that exercise energy still coursing through your veins, you’ll be on productive mode all day long. Go Super Thriver!

  • Have a berry good time!

Sometimes the best part of the day is your very own, homemade smoothie. A quick, healthy and refreshing snack during the worst of the heat - is just what you need to boost your energy and get you pumped for your workout.

Drink one for/or with breakfast to get your (literal) taste of summer. Some of the yummiest fruit will now be available. The only limit is your imagination. Mix it up! If it tastes good, blend it!

  • Get the family involved!

During the summer, nature is at its finest. The weather is beautiful, flowers are in bloom, the trees are all green, animals come out to play and clear skies make for gorgeous days. Schools are also out, so get the family out!

There are some spectacular hiking trails out there, and camping is an age old favourite. Sure, they might complain, but the whining will be worth the look on their faces when they see a real-life, hard-earned view.

For our hiking enthusiasts, we’re preaching to the choir, because you probably have your camping gear ready to go!

  • Make it a social occasion

The best part of the fitness journey is the people you share it with. Get your friends involved, make your early morning jog a group thing. Go on a hiking adventure together. Get together for a healthy pool party.

Don’t just exercise, create a memory.

  • The great indoors

We all have grand notions of spending EVERY available second outside, doing outdoorsy stuff. But let’s be honest… it gets hot: very hot. So why not go inside? There is no shame in finding a nice little air-conditioned slice of heaven- like the gym. Come protect yourself from the heat with your fellow Thrivers!

Do your usual routine, and maybe a little more while you hide from the suffocating heat.

  • Be balanced

Summer is the best time of the year, but with all good things, it comes with a warning. So here it is – do not overdo it.

  • Take advantage of the leafy trees. Find shade and stick to it.
  • Don’t go out for your scenic jog when the sun is at its most brutal.
  • Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate! Don’t go anywhere without your water bottle and refill it often.
  • Sunscreen is your best friend, use it. And wear a hat.

But otherwise, have fun!

  • Look forward to this summer.

Summer is well worth the wait and most of us will be having a blast during this amazing time, but don’t let your health suffer. Try our tips and surprise yourself.

Make the most of the good weather and happy atmosphere. Have a smoothie, get up early, take the family on a hike, go inside, be safe and thrive.

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